Specialist in Bystander Intervention training
for young people to reduce sexual harassment and abuse,
and in tackling misogyny in a way that supports boys and young men.

Relationship skills,
and how to be more conscious
of the choices we make,
are vital components of
a young person's education
About Vicky.....

Dr Vicky Stubbs
Consultant, trainer and speaker in all aspects of RSE/PSHE.
Sex Education Forum Educator of the Year 2022 for Innovation, and now a SEF partner.
Department for Education Expert Teacher advising on non-statutory RSE guidance.
An educator with twenty years' experience in RSE and PSHE, Vicky is dedicated to helping young people develop relationships and life skills that they can put into practice immediately and also throughout their lives. This includes enhancing their understanding of difficult topics as well as building pupil confidence in communication with peers and adults.
Equally comfortable talking with - and listening to - school leaders, teachers and pupils, Vicky can provide talks and workshops for pupils and staff, as well as interactive staff training. She is also happy to provide information about her award-winning adaptation of the UWE Bystander Intervention programme for whole-school culture change (see NEU toolkit here) and to advise on curriculum design for more effective RSE/PSHE.
Vicky has experience in designing lesson resources for schools to use in-house and has also collaborated with organisations such as Menopause Support and the NHS to produce bespoke RSE lessons for educational campaigns (see She is currently working with the North East London Cancer Alliance to promote testicular health education as well as with the Sex Education Forum and Exeter University to produce resources that we hope will reduce Dating and Relationship Violence and Gender-based Violence.

Sophie Falkenberg
(PSHE Lead, Elmhurst Primary School)
“The session was totally inspiring and I cannot wait to continue the work on this!”
Rebecca Golland
(Pastoral Deputy Head, Highgate School)
“ Vicky’s development of the Bystander Intervention Programme has been transformative for our school.”
Simon Brunskill
(Head of Sixth Form, Highgate School)
“ I cannot recommend Vicky enough: her focus, collegiality and attention to detail mean that any organisation or establishment taking her on as a speaker or consultant will get a true expert in their field.”