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With a background in both Biology and RSE/PSHE, Vicky is very comfortable working with young people through auditorium talks, workshops, and round-the-table discussions designed to elicit pupil voice.  She has experience in talking about a wide range of difficult topics, such as how puberty affects the brain, healthy relationships, communication around consent, sexism and misogyny, sexual harassment and abuse, risk assessment related to substance use, and mental health issues.  Her research background means she is well placed to synthesise reliable information from a range of sources to create new talks and workshops to meet specific school needs.

Megan Taylor

(PSHE coordinator, Middle School, Highgate School)

"Her subject knowledge and expertise meant she was able to deliver bespoke talks and lessons to all students across the school. 

Vicky was able to deliver a wide range of different talks to students ranging from ‘The impact Cannabis has on the Adolescent Brain’ to ‘How the body changes during puberty’ and much more."

Alice Robinson
(PSHE coordinator, Lower School, Highgate School)

"One of Vicky's greatest strengths is her willingness to respond to an subject that is ever-changing with alacrity and enthusiasm; she is never afraid to take on a huge topic, research it carefully and create a thoughtful series of resources from scratch."

Arthur Dabrowski
(Head of Middle School, Highgate School)

"Vicky delivers PSHE with a superb balance of enthusiasm, professionalism and wisdom. She is able to draw on a wealth of experience as a Biologist, pastoral manager, leader of PSHE, and parent, meaning that she is can expertly adjust her content and style to suit any audience."

Simon Brunskill

(Head of Sixth Form, Highgate School)

“ She has a clear sense of how themes need to be adapted for different target audiences but she will not dumb things down to ensure she gets her message across…She is a very engaging public speaker and she is a straight-talker: something which is both highly effective and very refreshing.” 

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